Arnold T. Sikes …
…was a man who loved his family, his community and golf. Arnold grew up in West Texas and graduated from Texas Tech with a CPA. The lure of oil and gas soon called him as he developed many successful business relationships. He and Sharon were married for 56 years and have two sons. They started a non-profit, Angel Layettes to minister to families of stillborn infants.
Arnold’s passion for families and kids was evident when he gave rides to them at Hollytree golf course. He enjoyed sharing stories with the kids. When Arnold passed, Sharon noticed she was taking his name off so many things and 
The Arnold T. Sikes Memorial Endowment Fund benefiting First Tee — Greater Tyler
… is now open at the East Texas Communities Foundation, 315 N Broadway, Ste 210, Tyler, Texas 75702. Donations made to this fund are separate from donations for general operations and go toward building upon a solid financial foundation for programs serving youth now and in the future. Please mail donations toward the endowment to the East Texas Communities Foundation. Thank you.If you would like to make a donation to the general fund to help keep programming costs down for participants, please mail this donation to First Tee — Greater Tyler, PO Box 74, Bullard, TX 75757